Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Floral scroll continued

A few more inches of the embroidered scroll.  Only about 4" to go.  I shall have to start thinking about the next sewing project to keep me busy in the evenings.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Embroidered scroll


Keeping busy on cold winter evenings.  I think I must have started this embroidery about the end of November/beginning of December.  I'm not sure whether it will remain as a scroll or I could display it as a wall hanging.  I have used a length of cotton sheeting, backed with batting.  Initially I included some appliquéd flowers from an old linen tablecloth and tried to completely fill in the background with various stitches. However, I didn't achieve the result I was hoping for, so changed to mainly using seed stitch between the motifs. There was no overall design plan, once I finish stitching one flower or plant, I search my sketchbooks for the next.

The fabric is 4" wide and so far I have completed 30" of the length, with another 12" to go.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Pocket fold book


A single sheet, fold book with 4 pockets, acrylic paint and 
lino print, with paper flower decoration.  Folded 
size approx 4" x 5.5" (from A3 sheet of paper)

Monday, 30 December 2024

Christmas Card 2024

A Flight of Angels

I was a bit late in coming up with my design for this year's Christmas cards, but luckily they were completed just in time for the last posting date.

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Sketch outings

A few of my plein air sketches from this year.  Last year I enjoyed using a brown kraft paper sketchbook for some of my drawings.  Having used that up, I replaced it with another brand which I am not finding so good to use with my usual materials.  I have also tried black paper but, again, have yet to find the best approach with this.  The experiments continue .......

Friday, 8 November 2024

Sewing case

 A recently completed case for my sewing accessories - made from eco-dyed calico, with machine stitching and hand embroidery.