Monday 13 May 2019

Blizzard book

Gradually working through the book "The Art of the Fold" - this month's task was the Blizzard Book (Section 12, page 71).  The finished size is only 5.7 x 9 cm (credit card size), but for the sixteen pockets suggested you need a paper length of 90 cm.  Luckily I had a roll of brown wrapping paper which I decorated with handmade stamps before attempting the folding.

The slip case is made from thin card and I followed the instructions from this video.

I have since tied the enclosed booklet with ribbon and
added the collaged decoration to the cover
(this photo also gives a truer idea of the colour)


  1. That would be a great little album for storing ATC's! I like the decorated brown paper you used.

    1. Yes, good idea Charne. The brown paper was a bit flimsy, but with the number of folds you wouldn't want anything too sturdy.

  2. You have started me off on an adventure.... love this

    1. Thank you Helen. Once you get started it is a bit addictive! I was interested in your "boiled papers" - is this the same as eco printing with plant material?
