Tuesday 12 May 2020

Collaged concertina

Crafting Handmade Books Facebook Group - May's challenge - a book which incorporates collage.

Encouraged by the bold colours of my recent lino prints, I decided to use several of my collection of home made stamps and lino cuts printed onto black paper, then enhanced these with acrylic inks, coloured pencils and gel pens. These were then cut out and collaged onto the background sheet (135 gsm Frisk black paper). I had planned for a simple concertina structure, but some areas were now 3 layers of paper thick, so I wasn't sure if I would be able to fold it successfully.  My alternative plan was either a scroll or cutting it into four and remounting the sections on another background.  In the end I managed the folds with only a couple of areas to be re-glued where the collaged elements had lifted.  

Frisk black paper (135 gsm)
Closed size 4" x 4.5"


  1. That turned out really lovely!

  2. Thank you Charne. Working on the black paper encourages me to be much bolder with colour.
